Upcoming Courses

Fall 2025

Please connect with Stephen Brauer, American Studies Coordinator, or other AMST faculty for specifics about upcoming courses. 

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  • AMST 201 Introduction to American Studies

    TR 3-4:15 pm, Brauer

    What does it mean to be American? This course addresses this central question through an examination of U.S. culture and society. It introduces key concepts such as individualism, community, citizenship, and identity.
  • AMST 381 Food, Culture and Narrative

    TR 3:00- 4:15 pm, Ireland

    Details to be added soon. Cross listed with ENG 299.
  • AMST 391 American Expatriates

    TR 3:00-4:15 pm, Brauer

    Course details to be added soon. 

  • AMST 398 Data and Society

    4 Sections:  
    TR 9-10:15 am, TR 10:30-11:45 am, MW 9-10:15 am, MW 10:30-11:45 am, Wigard and others

    This course will introduce you to thinking deeply and critically about how we create, apply, and analyze data, as well as how these processes affect our daily lives, and even how data affect society at large.  In this course, we will develop our analytical abilities to identify and assess data and its social impact.

  • Electives

    To view a complete list of electives, click here. You should see a detailed document with course information and any prerequisites noted.

  • AMST 388 AMST Internships

    Internships for 0.5 or 1.0 unit credits are possible.  Please confer with Stephen Brauer, AMST Program Coordinator, for details. 

  • AMST 399 AMST Independent Study
    An Independent Study for 0.5 or 1.0 unit credits is possible.  Please confer with Stephen Brauer, AMST Program Coordinator, for details.