Dr. Douglas L. Winiarski
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Bancroft Prize, Columbia University
Nonfiction Book Award, New England Society
Outstanding Publication Award Article, Communal Studies Association
Peter J. Gomes Memorial Book Prize, Massachusetts Historical Society
Richard L. Morton Award, Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture
Walter Muir Whitehill Prize in Early American History, Colonial Society of Massachusetts
Darkness Falls on the Land of Light: Experiencing Religious Awakenings in Eighteenth-Century New England. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2017.
The Memoirs of Josiah Cotton & Allied Documents. Boston: Colonial Society of Massachusetts (under contract).
Journal Articles“Seized by the Jerks: Shakers, Spirit Possession & the Great Revival.” William and Mary Quarterly 76 (2019): 111–150.
“Shakers & Jerkers: Letters from the ‘Long Walk,’ 1805 (Part 2).” Journal of East Tennessee History 90 (2018): 84–105.
“Shakers & Jerkers: Letters from the ‘Long Walk,’ 1805 (Part 1).” Journal of East Tennessee History 89 (2017): 90–110.
“New Perspectives on the Northampton Communion Controversy IV: Experience Mayhew’s Dissertation on Edwards’s Humble Inquiry.” Jonathan Edwards Studies 6 (2016): 31–80.
Lydia Prout’s Dreadfullest Thought.” New England Quarterly 88 (2015): 356–422.
“New Perspectives on the Northampton Communion Controversy III: Count Vavasor’s Tirade and the Second Council, 1751” Jonathan Edwards Studies 4 (2014): 353–382.
“The Sodomy Trial of Nicholas Sension, 1677: Documents and Teaching Guide,” ed. Richard Godbeer with Douglas L. Winiarski. Early American Studies 9 (2014): 402–443.
“New Perspectives on the Northampton Communion Controversy II: Professions, Relations & Experiences, 1748–1760.” Jonathan Edwards Studies 4 (2014): 110–145.
“New Perspectives on the Northampton Communion Controversy I: David Hall’s Diary and Letter to Edward Billing.” Jonathan Edwards Studies 3 (2013): 268–280.
“The Newbury Prayer Bill Hoax: Devotion & Deception in New England’s Era of Great Awakenings.” Massachusetts Historical Review 14 (2012): 53–86.
"Religious Experiences in New England." In Modern Christianity to 1900, edited by Amanda Porterfield, 209-32. Vol. 9. A People's History of Christianity. Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress Press, 2010.
“Native American Popular Religion in New England’s Old Colony, 1670–1770.” In Native Americans, Christian Missionaries, and the Reshaping of Early America’s Religious Landscape, ed. Joel W. Martin and Mark A. Nicholas, pp. 93–124. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2010.
"Gendered 'Relations' in Haverhill, Massachusetts, 1719-1742." In Our Own Words: New England Diaries, 1600 to the Present, The Dublin Seminar for New England Folklife, Annual Proceedings 2006, ed. Peter Benes, 58-78. Boston: Boston University Press, 2008.
"Jonathan Edwards, Enthusiast? Radical Revivalism and the Great Awakening in the Connecticut Valley." Church History: Studies in Christianity and Culture 74 (2005): 683-739.
"A Jornal of a Fue Days at York: The Great Awakening on the Northern New England Frontier." Maine History 42 (2004): 46-85.
"A Question of Plain Dealing: Josiah Cotton, Native Christians, and the Quest for Security in Eighteenth-Century Plymouth County." New England Quarterly 77 (2004): 368-413.
"The Education of Joseph Prince: Reading Adolescent Culture in Early Eighteenth-Century New England." In The Worlds of Children, 1620-1920, The Dublin Seminar for New England Folklife, Annual Proceedings 2002, ed. Peter Benes, pp. 42-64. Boston: Boston University Press, 2004.
"Souls Filled with Ravishing Transport: Heavenly Visions and the Radical Awakening in New England, 1742." William and Mary Quarterly, 3d ser., 61 (2004): 3-46.
"Seeking Synthesis in Edwards Scholarship." William and Mary Quarterly, 3d ser., 61 (2004): 135-52.
"'Pale Blewish Lights' and a Dead Man's Groan: Tales of the Supernatural from Eighteenth-Century Plymouth, Massachusetts." William and Mary Quarterly, 3d ser., 55 (1998): 497-530.
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